The auspiciou Birthday of the splendid China——Top of the Art recommended artist Chen Hongrong
盛世华诞 锦绣中华——艺术之巅重点推荐艺术家陈洪荣
The auspiciou Birthday of the splendid China——Top of the Art recommended artist Chen Hongrong
陈洪荣,男 1946 年出生,山东省济南市长清区牛山村人。 中共党员、参战时荣立战功。被授予“艺术博士”。现任中国美 协、书协会员、湖南常德市武陵书画协会会员、名誉会长、中国 桂林炎黄书画院院士、一级书画家、江苏省南京金陵书画院一级 书画师、印社常务理事、内蒙古呼和浩特青年书画院院士、中国 神州书画院院士、天津市海河书画院士、中国世纪专家中国武陵 协会高级书画画师、中国收藏艺术研究院理事、中国藏典收藏家 协会特约研究员、联合国美术家协会会员和中国诗书画研究员、 海内外知名书画家协会会员、艺联网特聘艺术家。 2010 年由文化部发起,人民日报担纲举办的,中华人民共 和国文化,领军人物评审活动中,受到联合国教课文组织瑞典诺 贝尔,文艺中心,以及中国书法家协会,中国美术家协会,中国 作家协会,中国文联,中国社科学院,CCTV,人民日报等国际, 国内多家权威机构媒体一致评审联合推荐授抒陈洪荣一代国画 大师称号。 2016 年作品《圆梦中华》经《巴西里约奥运会中国当代书 画名家精品展》书画专家评选委员会严格审定,入展“2016 年 巴西里约奥运会当代书画家精品展”,被圣保罗艺术博物馆巴西陈列收藏,2017 年 5 月国家领导人在“一带一路”国际合作高 峰论坛开希式上带出·“国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。 陈洪荣作品《华夏花魂》等牡丹,代表中国国花,展现了中华民 族国魂:以马为题材的作品,象征中国和艺术奔腾不息、勇往直 前:以鸡为主题的作品,概代表中国的版图又象征带一路和谐共 融,亲如一家:书法作品独树一帜,师古创新:又用山水画歌颂 祖国的欣欣向荣和兴旺发达,可以感受到一代大家的艺术境界和 浩然正气。2019 年参加美国纽约、韩国首尔、意大利佛罗伦萨、巡展 作品被意达利收藏被聘为“艺术使者”。作品被评为特等奖同年 参加《中国世记坛》三幅作品荣获“终身创作奖”。 2020 年国务院授予“人民艺术家”,同年参加抗击疫情义 卖三幅作品,义卖款项捐赠给有关部门, 2020 年参加韩国、意达利、美国国际大展,作品获特等奖 被意达利收藏。 2020 年参加了人民日报艺术鉴赏中心,文旅部等单位举办 的《扬我国魂、佑我中华、暨献礼国庆七十一华诞艺术大展》, 大赛获得特等奖。由权威书画家组成的评委会授予“书画艺术领 域中华杰出艺术家和人民艺术家”。被共和国人民艺术家委员会 评委会报共和国国务院批准授予“国务院人民艺术家”。同年被 国家民族协会授予“国家一级美术师”,被中华人民共和国特评 为“国礼特供艺术家”。 2020 年岀版了,中国大红袍陈洪荣专集。欧杨中石老师写 评论,书协主席写书名文联主席铁旋老师写前言,大红袍是艺术 家一生的标志大气庄重推动文化发展起了重大作用。2021 年被 评选为“当代书画艺术百杰”并授予“国宝级艺术大师荣誉称号”。 范迪安主席书写了“书法大师”增给陈洪荣老师。被世界国宝协 会评上“国宝级艺术大师”,出版大典向海内外发行。 2021 年参加《中国 21 世纪大采风—中央星光大道》。被 多次采访被组团评为当代艺术风云人物。2021 年 7 月被《中国文化交流中心》评为“世界级艺术大 师”颁发荣誉证书并授予收藏印。 2021 年由世界文艺家协会从百名艺术家当中评选出 10 名 (范迪安、孙晓云、陈洪荣、等)并入编联合国,由联合国日报向 世界出版发行。 2021 年 8 月参加《用艺术向世界讲好中国故事》活动中被 授予“中国国家形象世界传播大使”荣誉称号,并颁发纪念胸章。 2021 年 9 月 01 日被评全国十佳杰出功勋艺术家。 2021 年 9 月 09 日取得美术评论家专业技术人员职业资 格证。 2021 年 4 月被北京和艺秋书画院特聘名誉院长以职。 2022 年经北京当代环球书画院有限公司、环球网等文化机 构联合研究通过特聘陈洪荣老师为北京当代环球书画院艺术顾 问,并把 20 幅作给为祝贺中国共产党 20 大召开重点展出。 多年来出版了《艺海情深》《艺术家宣言》《祖国荣跃》《陈 洪荣国艺美术馆》《世界艺术家大典》《大国崛起》《大国工匠》 《夲草綱目》《墨宝指南》《改革开放四十周年》《光辉礼赞》 《大师风范》。2023 年出了国家级和世界顶级大师,意达利的 名家列奥纳多,达芬奇,复兴时代名家。还有荷兰后的印象派大 师梵高,西班牙画家大师毕加索,还有法国画家大师保罗塞尚大 师同_法国大画家大师,克劳德莫奈大家,还有中美协主席范迪 安大师。中书协主席孙晓云主席大家-中国美协书协会员国际文化交流中心名誉主席陈洪荣一起岀版国家记忆。同年出版了向世 界 180 个国家发行陈洪荣专刊。同年出版了陈洪荣提写书名三 人集魅力中国名家名作,有陈洪荣,许江吴为山书地副主席向世 界发型同时岀版版了一代传奇纪念沈鹏老师共同出版。为中国文 化走向世界做贡献。 2023 年出版了陈洪荣中华文化传记,同年出版了魅力中国 名家名作,同年出版了沈鹏、陈洪荣一代传奇,同年出版了国家 记忆,同年出版了大事志,同年出版了大师风范。 2023 年被外事工作委员会授予外交文化使者。和王毅部长, 出掛历向奥州发行同年和国家领导人岀版了 2024 年台历向 180 国 家发行。同年被外事办授抒中国文化艺术国际国礼代表名家 2024 两会献礼作品重点报导。 2024 年外事办工作委员会授抒国际双年展。同年被外事办 授抒中国文化艺术国际代表同年被经级文化,教育国际交流委员 会艺术里的奥林匹克评谉组委会授抒奥林匹克东方艺术大师。 2024 年祓中共中央办工厅关于做好国家勋章和艺术工勋 集。授予陈洪荣老师为国家作出重大贡献的功勋模范人物。2024 参加世界著名大家莫奈国际大展中红梅报春被大展专家组委会 评为金奖艺术家和证书和莫奈金奖同年被世界五大著名博物馆 有饿罗斯,法国,|美国,英国中国闻名世界五大博物馆中国名 家代表。
Chen Hongrong was born in 1946 in Niushan Village, Changqing District, Jinan City, Shandong Province.
Members of the Communist Party of China, war achievements. He was awarded "Doctor of Arts". Current Chinese beauty
Association, Book Association member, Hunan Changde Wuling Painting and Calligraphy Association member, honorary president, China
Academician of Guilin Yanhuang Calligraphy and Painting Academy, first class calligrapher and painter, Nanjing Jinling Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Jiangsu Province
Calligrapher, Executive director of the Printing Press, Academician of Inner Mongolia Hohhot Youth Calligraphy and Painting Academy, China
Academician of Shenzhou Calligraphy and Painting Academy, academician of Tianjin Haihe Calligraphy and Painting, Chinese century expert Wuling, China
Association senior calligraphy and painting painter, director of the Chinese Collection Art Research Institute, Chinese collection collector
Special researcher of the Association, member of the United Nations Artists Association and researcher of Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting,
Member of famous calligrapher and painter Association at home and abroad, special artist of Art Network.
In 2010, initiated by the Ministry of Culture and organized by the People's Daily, the People's Party of China
And the culture of the country, leading figures in the evaluation activities, by the United Nations teaching Text organization Sweden No
Bell, Art Center, and Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Artists Association, China
Writers Association, China Federation of Arts and Literature, China Academy of Social Sciences, CCTV, People's Daily, etc.
A number of authoritative media institutions in China unanimously reviewed and jointly recommended the presentation of Chen Hongrong's generation of Chinese painting
The title of Master.
In 2016, his work "Chinese Dream" was published in the book of Chinese Contemporary book of the Rio Olympic Games in Brazil
The painting expert selection committee strictly approved and entered the exhibition in 2016
Peak forum Kaixi style brought out "the friendship between countries lies in the friendship between the people, and the friendship between the people lies in the connection of hearts.
Chen Hongrong's "Huaxia Flower Soul" and other peonies represent China's national flowers and show the Chinese people
National Soul: Works with horses as the theme, symbolizing China and art galloping, brave and straight
Previous: The works with chicken as the theme generally represent the territory of China and symbolize the harmony of the road
Melt, like a family: calligraphy works unique, ancient innovation: with landscape painting praise
The prosperity and prosperity of the motherland can feel the artistic realm of the generation and everyone
Noble and righteous. In 2019, he participated in New York, the United States, Seoul, South Korea, Florence, Italy
The works were hired as "art ambassadors" by the Dali Collection. Works were awarded grand prize the same year
Participated in the "China World Record Altar" three works won the "lifetime creation Award".
In 2020, The State Council awarded the "People's Artist", and participated in the fight against the epidemic in the same year
Sell three works, donate the money to the relevant departments,
In 2020, he participated in international exhibitions in Korea, Italy and the United States, and his works won the grand prize
It was collected by Dali.
In 2020, he participated in the People's Daily Art Appreciation Center, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other units
"Yang our soul, bless me China, and present the 71st Birthday of the National Day Art Exhibition", the contest won the grand prize. The jury composed of authoritative calligraphers and painters awarded the "painting and Calligraphy art collar.
Outstanding artists and people's artists in China ". By the People's Artists Committee of the Republic
The jury reported to The State Council of the Republic for approval and awarded the "People's Artist of The State Council". Same year quilt
Awarded the "National first-class artist" by the National Ethnic Association, the People's Republic of China special evaluation
As a "National gift artist".
2020 edition, China Da Hong Pao Chen Hongrong collection. Ou Yang Zhongshi teacher wrote
Comments, the chairman of the Book Association wrote the title of the book, the chairman of the Literary federation, Mr. Tie Xuan, wrote the foreword, Da Hong Pao is art
The symbol of family life solemn atmosphere has played an important role in promoting cultural development. 2021 quilt
Selected as "One hundred Masters of contemporary painting and Calligraphy art" and awarded the honorary title of "National treasure Art Master".
Chairman Fan Dian wrote the "Calligraphy Master" to Mr. Chen Hongrong. By the World National Treasure Association
The "national treasure art master" will be evaluated, and the publishing ceremony will be distributed at home and abroad.
In 2021, he will participate in "China's 21st Century Great Wind - Central Avenue of Stars". be
Interviewed for many times, he was named the most influential person in contemporary art. In July 2021, it was rated as "world-class art major" by "China Cultural Exchange Center"
The "master" issued a certificate of honor and awarded the collection seal.
In 2021, 10 artists will be selected from 100 artists by the World Association of Literature and Art
(Fan Di 'an, Sun Xiaoyun, Chen Hongrong, etc.) and joined the United Nations, from the United Nations Daily
World Publishing distribution.
In August 2021, he participated in the activity of "Using art to tell the World a good Chinese story"
Awarded the honorary title of "China's National Image Ambassador to the World" and awarded a commemorative badge.
On September 01, 2021, he was awarded the National Top Ten Outstanding Meritorious Artists.
On September 09, 2021, it obtained the professional qualification of art critic and technical staff
Case card.
In April 2021, he was specially appointed honorary president of Beijing Heyiqiu Calligraphy and Painting Academy.
2022 by Beijing Contemporary Global Painting and Calligraphy Academy Co., LTD., Global network and other cultural machines
The joint research Institute appointed Mr. Chen Hongrong as the art consultant of Beijing Contemporary Global Painting and Calligraphy Academy
Q, and 20 paintings to congratulate the Communist Party of China held the 20th key exhibition.
Over the years, he has published "Art Sea Love", "Artist Manifesto", "Zu Guorong Yue", "Chen
Hong Rongguo Art Museum, World Artists Festival, Rise of Great Power, Great Power Craftsman
"Compendium of the Ancient Grass", "Mobao Guide", "40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up", "Glorious Praise"
The Style of a Master. 2023 out of the national and world top master, Dali
Leonardo Da Vinci, the Renaissance. And the Dutch post-Impressionists
Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, and Paul Cezanne
The same teacher _ the great French painter, Claude Monet, and the chairman of the Chinese Artists Association Fandi
Master Ann. Sun Xiaoyun, Chairman of China Book Association, and Chen Hongrong, honorary chairman of International Cultural Exchange Center, member of China Art Association Book Association, made the national memory. It was published in the same year
A special issue on Chen Hongrong was published in 180 countries. In the same year, Chen Hongrong published the title III
People set the charm of famous Chinese masterpieces, there are Chen Hongrong, Xu Jiangwu for the vice chairman of the mountain book to the world
World hair at the same time edition edition of a generation of legend to commemorate Shen Peng teacher co-published. In Chinese
Make contributions to the world.
Chen Hongrong's biography of Chinese culture was published in 2023, and Charming China was published in the same year
Famous works, Shen Peng, Chen Hongrong generation legend published in the same year, the same year published the country
Memory, the same year published the great ambition, the same year published the master style.
In 2023, he was awarded the Diplomatic Cultural Envoy by the Foreign Affairs Commission of the NPC. And Foreign Minister Wang Yi,
Home issue. In the same year, he was awarded the Chinese culture and Art International National Gift representative by the Foreign Affairs Office
2024 Two Sessions dedication works focus on the report.
2024 Shushu International Biennale, Working Committee of the Foreign Affairs Office. Foreign Affairs Office in the same year
Sheng Shu, the international representative of Chinese culture and art, was appointed as a member of the International Exchange Committee of Culture and Education in the same year
The Olympic Evaluation Committee in the arts honoured masters of Eastern Olympic art.
2024 The Central Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Doing the National Medal and the Art Medal
Set. Awarded to teacher Chen Hongrong who has made great contributions to the country. 2024
Participated in the world famous Monet International exhibition Red Primula was the exhibition expert organizing committee
Awarded Gold Medal Artist and Certificate and Monet Gold Medal in the same year by five famous museums in the world
There are hungry Rose, France, | America, Britain China is famous for the world's five major museums in China
Home represents.
In 2024, there will be the chairperson of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, Sun Xiaoyun, and the chairperson of the Chinese Painting Association, Fan Di'an. There will also be the distinguished expert in foreign relations who has made outstanding contributions to the Republic, Chen Hongrong, the honorary chairman of the Exchange Center for World Art Masters, Painters and Calligraphers of China, who is a master of the first generation of Chinese artists in the world. For the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, Chen Hongrong has edited the "Patriotic Education Textbook" and published the "Everlasting Chinese Civilization Chronicle" as a tribute. The same year, he published "The Power of the Country" and "The Spine of the Nation," which were published by the National Cultural Publishing House. He also published the "Honorary Collection of the People's Artist" in which the National Research Institute of the People's Republic of China awarded Chen Hongrong the title of "People's Outstanding Artist." Chen Hongrong has also been honored as one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Masters of China" and "Four Great Masters," along with Pablo Picasso, the world's other great master. Chen Hongrong is promoting his works to the world.