Grand Celebration, Magnificent China - Special Recommendation Artist Wu Zhipeng
盛世华诞 锦绣中华—特别推荐艺术家 吴志鹏
Grand Celebration, Magnificent China - Special Recommendation Artist Wu Zhipeng
摘要:文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。没有高度的文化自信,没有文化的 繁荣兴盛,就没有中华民族的伟大复兴。文化更是一个民族的脊梁和灵魂,它铸造着 国家和民族的心灵和品格,一个民族有了文化自信,才能立于世界民族之林;人民有了信仰,国家才有力量,民族才有希望。而文化自信是促成这些目标的至关重要的因素。
Abstract: Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. Culture invigorates the country, and culture strengthens the nation. Without a high degree of cultural confidence, without the prosperity of culture, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Culture is the backbone and soul of a nation. It casts the heart and character of a nation and a nation. Only with cultural confidence can a nation stand in the forest of nations in the world. Only when the people has faith can a country have strength and a nation have
吴志鹏,字墨骏,号晓月斋主,男,彝族,祖籍云南。一九七四年生于北京。一九九七年毕业于首都师范大学美术系国画专业,是原中国文联副主席、中国书法家协会副主席、一代宗师著名书法家刘炳森之徒弟。曾为中国青少年书法家协会会员;中国东方书法家协会会员;中国中外名人艺术家委员会学术委员;中国人才研究会艺术家学部委员;95’、96’、99’跨世纪书画艺术人才称号获得者等。现为翰墨千秋书画院副院长;中国书画院院士;央视频道书画院副院长;北京厚德豪书画院副院长;中国云南书法家会会员;中国诗书画协会会员。作品曾多次参加全国书画大赛并获奖,参加海内外巡回展出,并被国际友人收藏。 本人自幼酷爱书艺,师法古人,广采百家,废寝忘食,锲而不舍。在书艺的浩海中,对真、草、隶、篆等均有涉猎,其中,楷书和隶书成就较高。在学书期间,曾先后得到启功、欧阳中石、刘炳森等著名书法家的教授和指点。对于楷书,书法家的点评为:作品综合了颜真卿、柳公权楷书的一些优点,而又有所创新;作品循规蹈矩、法度森严、行笔稳健、严谨规范,尽得唐人楷书之真谛……。对于隶书,书家的评语为:作品端庄俊逸、富于变化、古朴苍劲、圆润遒劲、气势开阔、神气盎然。在当代青年书法家中实为功力深厚、技巧娴熟的实力派青年书法家。书艺多次得到专家和中央首长的夸奖。
2008年,在云南楚雄举办书法展专家的题词为:故乡情 翰墨缘 千秋韵 造化功;神融笔畅 彝州神韵;名师高徒 彝州鲜花 高才父子 桑梓典范;桑梓翰墨耀神州……
Artistic Resume
Wu Zhipeng, also known as Mojun and Xiaoyuezhaizhu, is a male Yi ethnic group with ancestral roots in Yunnan. Born in Beijing in 1974. Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Capital Normal University in 1997 with a major in traditional Chinese painting. He is the disciple of Liu Bingsen, former Vice Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and a renowned master calligrapher. Formerly a member of the Chinese Youth Calligraphers Association; Member of the Chinese Oriental Calligraphers Association; Academic member of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Artists Committee; Member of the Artist Department of China Talent Research Association; Winners of the titles of "95 ', 96', 99 'Cross Century Calligraphy and Painting Art Talents". Currently serving as the Vice President of Hanmo Qianqiu Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy; Vice President of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy of CCTV Channel; Vice President of Beijing Houdehao Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Member of Yunnan Calligraphers Association in China; Member of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Association. The works have participated in multiple national calligraphy and painting competitions and won awards, exhibited on tours both domestically and internationally, and collected by international friends.
I have had a passion for calligraphy since childhood, learning from the ancients and collecting from a wide range of schools. I have been diligent and persevering, forgetting sleep and food. In the vast sea of calligraphy, one has dabbled in various styles such as true script, cursive script, clerical script, and seal script, among which regular script and clerical script have achieved higher success. During his studies, he received professors and guidance from famous calligraphers such as Qi Gong, Ouyang Zhongshi, and Liu Bingsen. For regular script, calligraphers' comments are: the work combines some of the advantages of Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan's regular script, while also being innovative; The work follows the rules and regulations strictly, with steady strokes and rigorous standards, fully embodying the essence of Tang Dynasty regular script. For clerical script, calligraphers' comments are: the works are dignified and elegant, rich in variation, ancient and vigorous, rounded and powerful, with a broad and vigorous atmosphere, full of vitality. Among contemporary young calligraphers, they are actually powerful young calligraphers with profound skills and skilled techniques. Shuyi has received praise from experts and central leaders multiple times.
Main artistic activities
In March 2001, participated in the art exchange activities of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association and won the World Cultural and Art Exchange Merit Gold Award;
In 2001, participated in the National Calligraphy and Painting Competition celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and won the first prize in the young and middle-aged group. He was also designated as an eight dan calligrapher (with the highest score being nine dan); In December 2001, participated in the art exchange activities of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, won the World Exchange and Creation Gold Award, and was specially appointed as a calligrapher and painter.
In 2007, a personal calligraphy exhibition was held at Jinlong Hall in Liulichang, Beijing, which received a lot of attention.
In 2008, a calligraphy exhibition was held in Chuxiong, Yunnan. The inscription of the expert was: Hometown Affection, Hanmo, Yuan Qianqiu Rhyme, Creation Merit; Shenrong's pen exudes the charm of Yizhou; Famous teacher, disciple, Yizhou flower, talented father and son, exemplary of mulberry fields; Sangzi Hanmo Shines in China
In 2011, the works were successively collected by the Repin Memorial in Germany and the Florence Academy of Fine Arts in Italy; In the same year, the work was also collected by the famous Australian painter Mr. Switers. His calligraphy works have also been selected as masterpieces of calligraphy and painting, such as "The Classic of Famous Cross Century Calligraphers and Painters", "The Complete Collection of Fine Works of Cross Century Calligraphy and Ink Artists", and "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Masters' Works".